Ready to howl with excitement? The Roadogs are back in town and we’re jacked with a whole new bag of tricks that’ll make the dance floor shake!
October’s show is in support of JACK.ORG – Canada’s only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health. It’ll be a totally unleashed night showcasing many special guests.
As you’d expect, the Roadogs are a highly trained pack of musicians who deliver note-perfect, steamroller covers of the most popular songs ever – all while giving a wildly entertaining performance on stage. Some of the contributing musicians have performed with famous acts such as Big Sugar, The Bare Naked Ladies, John Mayall, Ed Sheeran, Randy Bachman and recent Juno winner Kairo McLean to name just a few.
Drawing from bands like the Black Keys, Beatles & Beyonce to Harry Styles, Fatboy Slim & the Rolling Stones – the dogs run loose with the best pop, rock, dance, alternative, R & B & indie hits.
October 18th please join us to help support JACK.ORG’s vision – where every young person in Canada is comfortable talking about and taking care of their mental health.
Great show – an exceptionally great cause. Every dog has his day and this one’s at the spectacular new TD Music Hall but you already knew that.
See y’all in the fall!

Jack.org is Canada’s only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health.
Suicide is still the leading health-related cause of death for young people in Canada. 1 in 7 young people in Canada report having suicidal thoughts to say nothing of the ones who don’t report. This year, 150,000 will act on their thoughts by attempting suicide, and, for hundreds of them, the attempt will be fatal.
Things need to change. And we are leading the way.
Jack.org is Canada’s only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health in every province and territory.